Annabelle Cumyn

Annabelle Cumyn - GRIIS - Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en informatique de la santé

Professor in specialized medicine at the Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé of Université de Sherbrooke

An internist, Annabelle Cumyn has a specialization in obstetrical medicine and a master’s degree in health pedagogy. Life has brought her to research ethics, in her role as Chair of the Research Ethics Board of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS from 2011 until 2022.

Annabelle Cumyn was a member of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics of the three Canadian federal research agencies (SSHRC, CIHR, NSERC_ between 2018-2024. She participated in the Fonds de recherche du Québec’s working group on issues related to research ethics and artificial intelligence research and in the Social Acceptability of Secondary Use of Health Data project.

Since 2017, she has been working with Adrien Barton, Jean-Frédéric Ménard and Jean-François Ethier in the CLARET project. She is exploring citizens expectations related to the use of health data for research in Canada.


MHPE, University of Illinois at Chicago, master’s in health education

M.D.,C.M. (Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery), McGill University

B.Sc., McGill University, biology


Dean’s honour roll, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Dick Lee Research Award, North American Society of Obstetric Medicine (NASOM), 2013

Wendell and Margaret Laidley Fellowship, Foundation of the McGill University Health Centre, 2002

Jonathan Campbell Meakins and Meakins Family Memorial Fellowship, McGill Medical Education Centre, 2000


Bilodeau E, Cumyn A, Ménard J-F, Barton A, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2024) Utilisations secondaires des données de santé : impacts de la transparence. Can J Bioeth 7:118–137. Cite
Burt J, Cumyn A, Dault R, Belzile L, Binder L, Carter C, Carter P, Cho B, Dallaire C, Gaudreau A, L'Hérault F, McKinnon A, Remy D, Stephenson L, Yip C, Paprica PA (2024) Health data social licence: An inclusive process to learn more about the perspectives of experienced public and patient advisors. International Journal of Population Data Science 9. Cite
Dubé T, Cumyn A, Fourati M, Chamberland M, Hatcher S, Landry M (2023) Pathways, journeys and experiences: Integrating curricular activities related to social accountability within an undergraduate medical curriculum. Medical Education 1–10. Cite
Cumyn A, Ménard J-F, Barton A, Dault R, Lévesque F, Ethier J-F (2023) Patients' and Members of the Public's Wishes Regarding Transparency in the Context of Secondary Use of Health Data: Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res 25:e45002. Cite
Cumyn A, Larouche C, Dubé T, Millette C-A, Gagné E-R (2023) Portrait de l’évolution de la responsabilité sociale d’une faculté de médecine canadienne basé sur le modèle de Boelen. [soumis]. CMEJ Cite
Cumyn A, Dault R, Barton A, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2021) Citizens, Research Ethics Committee Members and Researchers' Attitude Toward Information and Consent for the Secondary Use of Health Data: Implications for Research Within Learning Health Systems. J Empir Res Hum Res Ethics 16:165–178. Cite Download
Cumyn A, Barton A, Dault R, Safa N, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2021) Meta-consent for the secondary use of health data within a learning health system: a qualitative study of the public's perspective. BMC Med Ethics 22:81. Cite Download
Barton A, Cumyn A, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2021) Gift, Reciprocity and Learning Health Systems. Am J Bioeth 21:91–93. Cite
Wouterlood MA, Malhamé I, Lévesque K, Dayan N, Mahone M, Côté A-M, Cumyn A, Malick M, Sauvé N (2021) Pregnancy‐associated pelvic vein thrombosis: Insights from a multicenter case series. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 19:1926–1931. Cite
Trahan M-J, Cumyn A, Cheng MP, McDonald EG, Lapinsky SE, Daneman N, Abenhaim HA, Malhamé I (2021) Physician Perspectives on Including Pregnant Women in Covid-19 Clinical Trials: Time for a Paradigm Change. Ethics & Human Research 43:19–27. Cite
Parfenova M, Côté A-M, Cumyn A, Pesant M-H, Champagne M, Roy-Lacroix M-È, Malick M, Sauvé N (2020) Impact of an Educational Pamphlet on Knowledge about Health Risks after Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Randomized Trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 43:182–190 Cite
Côté-Poirier G, Bettache N, Côté A-M, Mahone M, Morin F, Cumyn A, Bureau Y-A, Malick M, Sauvé N (2020) Evaluation of Complications in Postpartum Women Receiving Therapeutic Anticoagulation. Obstetrics & Gynecology 136 Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Dault R, Cloutier A-M, Jalbert R, Ethier J-F (2019) Informed consent within a learning health system: A scoping review. Learn Health Syst 4:e10206. Cite Download
Cumyn A, Card SE, Gibson P (2019) Education Research-GIM. Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine 14:13–29 Cite
Cumyn A, Card SE, Gibson P (2019) Mapping of essential content of an obstetric medicine curriculum from the perspective of two groups. Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine 14:13–20 Cite Download
Durivage A, Le Templier G, Cumyn A, Sauvé N (2019) Pregnancy in a woman with latent myeloproliferative neoplasm induced chronic portal vein thrombosis, portal cavernoma, and gastric varices. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol 2019. Cite Download
Belzile M, Pouliot A, Cumyn A, Cote AM (2018) Renal physiology and fluid and electrolyte disorders in pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. Cite
Cumyn A, Ouellet K, Côté A-M, Francoeur C, St-Onge C (2018) Role of researchers in the ethical conduct of research: A discourse analysis from different stakeholder perspectives. Ethics & Behavior 0:1–16. Cite
Cumyn A, Gibson P (2018) Validation of content of clinical cases in obstetric medicine for a shared web-based educational tool. Obstet Med 1753495X18804744. Cite
Cumyn A, Sauve N, Rey E (2017) Atrial fibrillation with a structurally normal heart in pregnancy: An international survey on current practice. Obstet Med 10:74–78. Cite
Sauvé N, Rey É, Cumyn A (2017) Atrial fibrillation in a structurally normal heart during pregnancy: A review of cases from a registry and from the literature. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 39:18–24. Cite
Ménard J-F, Cumyn A, Bilodeau E, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2024) De la compréhension des attentes citoyennes à l’opérationnalisation d’un nouveau cadre juridique : le cas de l’utilisation des renseignements de santé en recherche au Québec [soumis]. In: De la donnée de santé aux systèmes d’IA en santé, Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique (Obvia). Presses de l’Université Laval Cite
Barton A, Cumyn A, Jalbert R, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2017) Consent to secondary use of clinical data for research purposes in a LHS: a scoping review. Palmer Common, État-Unis Cite
Cumyn A (2024) Place de la transparence dans l’utilisation secondaire des données et retour des résultats vers les participants à la recherche Cite
Cumyn A, Ethier J-F (2021) Quels méthodes et outils pour favoriser l’acceptabilité sociale ? Cite
Cumyn A, Ethier J-F (2021) Acceptabilité sociale - conditions et solutions Cite
Cumyn A, Wilhelmy C (2021) Accès aux données : des pistes de solutions de citoyens et chercheurs Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2021) Projet CLARET : Données de santé et méta-consentement Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2021) Projet CLARET : Données de santé et méta-consentement Cite
Cumyn A (2021) Projet CLARET : Données de santé et méta-consentement Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2021) Projet CLARET  : Données de santé et méta-consentement Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2021) Projet CLARET : Données de santé et méta-consentement Cite
Cumyn A, Ethier J-F (2021) Les systèmes de santé apprenants et PARS3 : mettre le patient au cœur de sa santé Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2019) Le point de vue des citoyens quant à l’utilisation des données de santé pour la recherche Cite
Barton A, Cumyn A, Dault R, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2019) Initiative CLARET : Consentement pour l’utilisation secondaire des données médicales en recherche Cite
Cumyn A, Barton A, Ethier J-F (2019) Le consentement à l’utilisation des données de santé pour la recherche : CLARET Cite
Cumyn A, Ethier J-F (2019) L’approche québécoise pour le consentement à l’utilisation des données de santé pour la recherche: PARS3 et CLARET Cite
Beaudoin A-A, Dault R, Barton A, Cumyn A, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2018) Initiative CLARET : consentement pour l’utilisation secondaire des données médicales en recherche Cite
Barton A, Cumyn A, Dault R, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2018) Initiative CLARET : Consentement et LittérAtie pour la Recherche ÉThique Cite
Dault R, Barton A, Cumyn A, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2018) Caractériser le processus de consentement à la recherche dans un système de santé apprenant Cite Download
Dault R, Barton A, Cumyn A, Cloutier A-M, Ethier J-F (2018) Caractériser le processus de consentement à la recherche dans un système de santé apprenant Cite Download
Burt J, Cumyn A, Dault R, Paprica PA, Blouin C, Carter P, Cho B, Costello C, Dallaire C, Dawes M, Desrosiers M, Grenier A-D, L'Hérault F, Maybee A, Morrison S, Pathak S, Remy Lamarche D, Olivier R, Ricketts J, Saucier G, Tack I, Villalba E, Vles R, Warren M (2023) Social Licence for Uses of Health Data: a Report on Public Perspectives. Health Data Research Network Canada Cite

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