Eliana Houle-Aubé

Master’s student in mathematics under the supervision of Pr Félix Camirand Lemyre and Pr Antoine Lewin

In 2015, Eliana Houle-Aubé returned to university after ten years of working in landscaping. In her master’s degree, she is interested in a particular challenge in Quebec, where men who have had sex with one or more men have to wait three months after their last relationship before they can donate blood. This exclusion criterion could be abolished to increase blood donations. In this context and in collaboration with Héma-Québec, Eliana Houle-Aubé is looking for ways to assess the risk of blood products becoming infected with HIV. She is contributing to the evaluation of a technology that inactivates pathogens in blood products. Mathematically, she uses Bayesian networks and Monte-Carlo simulations.


B. Sc., Université de Sherbrooke, mathematics


ISM Travel Fellowship, 2019