Jean-Frédéric Ménard

A member of the Quebec Bar since 2007, Maitre Jean-Frédéric Ménard is a professor at the Faculty of Law at the Université de Sherbrooke and a Ph.D. student in law at the University College London—UCL (United Kingdom). At the McGill University Health Center, he is a member of the Pediatric Clinical and Research Ethics Committee. As a researcher, he is part of the group “Children’s voices: Interdisciplinary Studies in Childhood Ethics,” led by Professor Franco Carnevale of McGill University School of Nursing.

Jean-Frédéric Ménard’s doctoral research focuses on care interruption for neonates whose state of health is critical, in two neonatal resuscitation units (London and Paris). It explores and develops new models that can shape the norms and decisions in these situations. More generally, he is interested in clinical ethics, bioethics, human rights, childhood ethics and qualitative research methods.

Prior to his graduate studies in law, Jean-Frédéric Ménard was a law clerk to the Honourable Louise Charron at the Supreme Court of Canada, a member of the fiscal law department of a pan-Canadian law firm, the deputy director of the Paul-André Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law at McGill University and consultant in clinical ethics at Montreal Children’s Hospital. He has also worked at the Center for Applied Ethics at the McGill University Health Center.


Ph. D., University College London

BCL, University of Oxford (graduate diploma)

BCL (Civil Law) and LLB (Common Law), McGill University

B. A., Université Laval, philosophy


Doctoral Scholarship, Pierre-Elliot Trudeau Foundation , 2013

Doctoral Scholarship, UCL Center for Ethics and Law , 2013


Bilodeau E, Cumyn A, Ménard J-F, Barton A, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2024) Utilisations secondaires des données de santé : impacts de la transparence. Can J Bioeth 7:118–137. Cite
Cumyn A, Ménard J-F, Barton A, Dault R, Lévesque F, Ethier J-F (2023) Patients' and Members of the Public's Wishes Regarding Transparency in the Context of Secondary Use of Health Data: Scoping Review. J Med Internet Res 25:e45002. Cite
Ménard J-F (2024) La protection, l'utilisation et la valorisation des données de santé au sein du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux au Québec à l'aube d'une réforme du système de santé. In: Bloch L, Castaing C (eds) Les enjeux du numérique en santé : intelligence, artificielle, données de santé, patient, LEH Édition. Bordeaux, France Cite
Ménard J-F, Cumyn A, Bilodeau E, Dault R, Ethier J-F (2024) De la compréhension des attentes citoyennes à l’opérationnalisation d’un nouveau cadre juridique : le cas de l’utilisation des renseignements de santé en recherche au Québec [soumis]. In: De la donnée de santé aux systèmes d’IA en santé, Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique (Obvia). Presses de l’Université Laval Cite
Ménard J-F (2022) Modèles de consentement dans le PL19 : l'exemple de la recherche utilisant des renseignements de santé et de services sociaux Cite
Ménard J-F (2021) Peut-on prendre n’importe quel moyen pour y arriver? Intérêt supérieur, influence et manipulation. Cite