Luc Lavoie

Luc Lavoie - GRIIS - Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en informatique de la santé

Co-founder and scientific co-director of the GRIIS

Associate professor of computer science at Université de Sherbrooke

Luc Lavoie is scientific co-director of the GRIIS. With the help of students, he pursues several research projects related to the analysis, specification, development and maintenance of computerized systems for small and medium organizations. Databases are at the center of his interests in both research and teaching. He leads Μῆτις, a think-tank and sharing group on computer science education.

In the field of databases, Luc Lavoie is interested in the semantics of new definition and exploitation languages. He explores the foundations of relational theory, type theory and temporal data modeling. He collaborates in the development of new relational languages (e.g. Tutorial D) and relational-temporal languages (e.g. Discipulus). In requirement engineering, his work focuses on the systematization of processes with respect to configuration verification, validation and management. In project management, he concentrates on process-driven planning.


M.Sc., Université de Montréal, computer science



Khnaisser C, Looten V, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2024) Building ontology-based temporal databases for data reuse: An applied example on hospital organizational structures. Health Informatics J 30. Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Fraikin B, Barton A, Dussault S, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2022) Using an ontology to derive a sharable and interoperable relational data model for heterogeneous healthcare data and various applications. Methods Inf Med 61:e73–e88. Cite Download
Ecarot T, Fraikin B, Lavoie L, McGilchrist M, Ethier J-F (2021) A Sensitive Data Access Model in Support of Learning Health Systems. Computers 10:25. Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2018) Generating relational database using ontology review : Issues, challenges and trends. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 9. Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Diab H, Ethier J-F (2015) Data warehouse design methods review: Trends, challenges and future directions for the healthcare domain. In: Morzy T, Valduriez P, Bellatreche L (eds) New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Springer International Publishing, pp 76–87 Cite Download Download
Ecarot T, Fraikin B, Lavoie L, McGilchrist MM, Ethier J-F (2021) Learning health systems: An anonymous network routing protocol. In: Almeida JR, Gonzalez AR, Shen L, Kane B, Soda P, Oliveira JL (eds) Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. pp 562–567 Cite
Ecarot T, Dussault S, Souid A, Lavoie L, Ethier J-F (2020) AppArmor For Health Data Access Control: Assessing Risks and Benefits. In: 2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS). Paris, France, pp 1–7 Cite Download Download
Ecarot T, Fraikin B, Ouellet F, Lavoie L, McGilchrist MM, Ethier J-F (2020) Sensitive Data Exchange Protocol Suite for Healthcare. In: IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications. Rennes, France Cite Download
Barton A, Fabry P, Lavoie L, Ethier J-F (2019) LABO: An ontology for laboratory test prescription and reporting. In: Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019 (JOWO 2019). Graz, Autriche, pp 1–9 Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2017) Past Indeterminacy in Data Warehouse Design. In: Benslimane D, Damiani E, Grosky WI, Hameurlain A, Sheth A, Wagner RR (eds) Database and Expert Systems Applications. Springer, Cham, pp 90–100 Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Ethier J-F (2017) Unified bitemporal modelling framework for automatic data warehouse design. In: 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2017. Lyon, France Cite
Barton A, Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Ethier J-F (2017) Ambiguities in medical bitemporalized relational databases: A referent tracking view. In: Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2017. Boeker, M., Herre, H., Jansen, L., Loebe, F., & Shober, D., Bolzano, Italie, pp 1–5 Cite Download
Ethier J-F, Taseen R, Lavoie L, Barton A (2016) Improving the semantics of drug prescriptions with a realist ontology. In: Jaiswal P, Hoehndorf R, Arighi C, Meier A (eds) Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Biological Ontology and BioCreative. Oregon, États-Unis, p IT603:1-6 Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Diab H, Ethier J-F (2015) Data Warehouse Design Methods Review: Trends, Challenges and Future Directions for the Healthcare Domain. In: Morzy T, Valduriez P, Bellatreche L (eds) New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. Springer International Publishing, pp 76–87 Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Ethier J-F (2021) Partage des données de santé au Québec avec PARS3 : les systèmes de santé apprenants au service des citoyens Cite Download
Ethier J-F, Lavoie L (2021) PARS3 : Relier les données de santé au sein du réseau Ensemble Cite Download
Cloutier A-M, Dussault S, Lavoie L, Vanasse A, Ethier J-F (2018) Soutenir l’exploitation sécuritaire et transparente des dossiers médicaux électroniques au Québec avec PARS3 Cite Download Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2017) Unification des données par les connaissances. Méthode de construction d’un entrepôt de données historicisé de santé guidée par les ontologies Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2017) Healthcare trajectories reconstruction with i2b2: issues and recommandations Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2016) Méthode de construction d’entrepôts de données temporalisées guidée par les ontologies Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Diab H, Ethier J-F (2015) Architecture et méthode de construction d’entrepôts de données au coeur des systèmes informationnels régionaux de santé. Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2015) Étude comparative des modèles temporels BCDM et DDLM dans le contexte d’entrepôt de données. Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2014) Génération automatisée de schémas relationnels bitemporels dans un contexte d’entrepôt de données Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Fraikin B, Barton A, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2019) Generating a relational database for heterogeneous data using an ontology Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2017) Unified bitemporal historicization framework. Université de Sherbrooke (GRIIS), Sherbrooke, Canada Cite
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Burgun A, Ethier J-F (2017) Automated bitemporal database schema design with a unified framework. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada Cite Download
Khnaisser C, Lavoie L, Diab H, Ethier J-F (2015) Data warehouse design methods review for the healthcare domain. Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada Cite Download

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