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Christina Khnaisser receives the France-Quebec prize for a co-supervised thesis

Modelling clinical knowledge and designing databases for learning health systems.

This is a republication of the article originally published in the Research and Graduate Studies Bulletin.

Christina Khnaisser holds a Ph.D. in medical informatics obtained in 2019 as part of a co-tutorship between the University of Paris and the University of Sherbrooke. She also holds a master’s degree in software engineering from the Université de Sherbrooke.

She is currently in a postdoctoral fellowship with Professor Angela Bonifati at the University of Lyon 1. Her research consists in developing methods from knowledge models for building clinical-administrative and genomic data models for learning health systems. She is mainly interested in temporal relational databases, graph databases, applied ontologies, data integration and the semantic web.

She won the Cotutelle France-Quebec prize for her thesis entitled Ontology-driven construction of temporal relational data models. Our sincere congratulations!

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