Pourrions-nous appliquer le concept de jumeaux numériques à la santé humaine?
Dr. Jean-François Ethier discusses the possibilities offered by digital twins and, more broadly, by artificial intelligence in both disease prevention and treatment.
Dr. Jean-François Ethier discusses the possibilities offered by digital twins and, more broadly, by artificial intelligence in both disease prevention and treatment.
Prof. Anita Burgun, researcher at GRIIS, explains how patient similarity, a very useful methodology in precision medicine, has proved its worth in the diagnosis of rare diseases, and the importance of exploiting in research the social data of people with rare diseases, in collaboration with patient associations.
Dr. Ethier explains how digital solutions using disseminated health data and research results will help provide clearer, faster diagnoses.
The Fonds de recherche du Québec presents the results of research carried out by Dr. Ethier and GRIIS, who developed PARS3, a virtual infrastructure that pools healthcare data, which will be considered as part of the Dossier santé numérique digital health record project.
Dr. Ethier talks about a solution involving citizens directly to limit inappropriate access to medical data.
This scientific gathering will provide an introduction to the challenges of implementing digital health projects.
Modelling clinical knowledge and designing databases for learning health systems.
Israel will serve as a live laboratory for large-scale testing of vaccine efficacy.
Health researchers often don’t know where to start when it comes to accessing data. Data is stored in a myriad of organizations distributed throughout the world.
Our question: What do you think about the possible sale of your medical data?
Dr. Ethier noted that Alberta and Nova Scotia have already implemented digital data transfer solutions.
Dr. Ethier provides an update on health system informatics gaps and informatics solutions that can improve care.
Dr. Ethier discusses the kinds of health teleconsultation that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Jean-François Ethier discusses health technology gaps and IT solutions to address them.
Dr. Ryeyan Taseen is developing an automated tool that will alert physicians when hospitalized patients have a high probability of dying within the next 12 months.
Dr. Jean-François Ethier answers questions from the media about the use of the fax machine to transmit health data.
Research teams and citizens need to navigate the maze of consent in order for care and the health system to improve.
To support the implementation of priority projects, the ministère entrusts the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Health Informatics to tie the Learning Platform in Research and Social Services with certified electronic health records.
Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en informatique de la santé
Université de Sherbrooke
2500, boul. de l'Université, Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 Canada
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